
Advantages of Private Cello Lessons

Cello Lessons

If you have been playing the cello for a long time already, you might want to prepare for grading. While group lessons are fine for children or for beginners seeking to build a network, those who approach their playing more seriously would find private one-on-one cello classes more useful, especially if you are preparing for a certification or an exam.

Personalised attention

Private lessons always mean that the student is getting more personalised attention, which in turn leads to better and deeper understanding. While group cello lessons can be fun, the teacher can actually move ahead before you have mastered a certain technique. With private lessons, you can learn at your own pace and master every aspect of the cello. With one-on-one lessons, the teacher will be able to point out all your problems and work on them until you get it perfect. When preparing for grading, this becomes very important.

Focus is on the student

With private lessons, the teacher is able to give sufficient time to a single student. Of course, it costs more but if you are really serious about passing your cello exam, then it is really worth the money. In private cello classes, the teacher will also be able to pinpoint your weaknesses give you sufficient time in order to improve the areas in which you are weak. This is especially useful at the advanced level when an experienced cello teacher can help you make career choices, something that will not always be possible if you are taking group lessons.


In private cello lessons, you will be motivated to do the work because no one else would be there to cover up for your failures. With the full spotlight on you in your lessons, you will definitely be able to put your best foot forward and work hard. You will also be able to concentrate on your own progress and work on your weak points rather than worrying about others. You will have to practice and do your best, putting the onus on you to progress.


If you have a busy schedule otherwise, then private cello lessons are best for you. A teacher might not be able to work with you each time you require some adjustments if you are taking group lessons because it would simply be unfair to the other students. But with solo lessons, they can make adjustments and give you a schedule that actually works for you. If your work takes you away from home on a regular basis, you can plan out a schedule with your teacher around your trips, so that your progress is not affected.

Combination of group and solo lessons

Even if you are already taking group lessons, it is a good idea to take a few solo lessons to work on your weak areas. As such, group lessons will be great in many ways but since teachers can’t wait for you to catch up, taking a few private lessons will help cover the gap if you are behind in any particular aspect. Even the best student can only improve with one-on-one private lessons with a dedicated teacher as it helps in smoothing out your rough patches.

You can find some tips on how to find a good cello teacher in this article: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/questions-ask-cello-teacher/. For more generic information on learning the cello, please refer to www.cellolessonssingapore.com.

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Tips for Beginner Cello Players

Tips for Beginner Cello Players


Cello is a string instrument and is known for its wide presence in European classical music. Even today, the cello has a large following. For those of you who want to learn the cello, it is never too late. Read on to know some tips for beginner cello players which you might useful in your beginner cello lessons.

Start right away!

Do not wait for the “right time”. The present is the right time. Find good beginner’s cello lessons nearby and get started. Ask around in schools, clubs, colleges, friends and colleagues to know about teachers and decide which one would suit you the best. Consider factors such as the timing, flexibility, private or group lessons and then take a decision. Location and the distance from your home can also be a consideration at times. Make a checklist of all the things that affect your decision and choose the one that matches best with your requirements.

Do not wait to finish the theory lessons

There is no need for you to finish the theory part of the instrument before you are allowed to touch the cello. Practice and theory knowledge go hand in hand. You must have favorites which you can start playing. For any help, you can always approach your teacher. If you start with theory classes, most of the knowledge will go right over your head. If practical lessons run parallel, you are more likely to understand better.

Try not to disturb others while practicing

Try to fix your practice hours such that you do not disturb the others in your house. Select a time when you would be alone in the house or when the noise is fine with the others. Practicing while the other members are sleeping, studying or working can be inconsiderate and you will not be able to practice with a peaceful mind.

Set goals

Setting goals is an excellent idea. The exhilarating feeling of having achieved a goal and ticking it off can act as a motivation and provide encouragement for you to continue. You can do this by planning both short-term goal and long-term goal. Short-term goals can be the thing you want to achieve in a particular practice session. Long-term goals can be where you see yourself in a year’s time.

Listen to yourself

An advice which is given to every aspiring musician is to record themselves playing the cello and afterwards listening to it carefully. You can find out your mistakes and figure out where you are going off the track. It is a relatively easy and cheap option and one which works wonders. You can also show this recording to your mentors or teachers and ask for their suggestions or the improvements that can be done.

Concentrate, practice and enjoy!

The mantra everyone should follow. Practice sessions should start with a few deep breaths which can help you get rid of the stress and tension. You will slide into the right mindset for playing the instrument. Once you are at peace and start the practice session, concentrate and learn. Enjoy the feeling of producing awesome music!

Now that you know some of the main tips that would be useful for a beginner cellist, get started immediately. Practice is the key. To know how to improve you cello skill, check out this link: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/how-to-improve-your-cello-skills/. For more on cello, you can refer to www.cellolessonssingapore.com/


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Buying Your First Cello

Cello Group Lessons

When you are just starting to learn a new instrument, your first desire is to own one of your own. Whether you are a beginner just starting with the basics or an advanced learner who wants to take exams for grading, or even a professional who is already performing in public, owning your own cello is a great boost to your confidence and is a sign of your commitment. Cellists who are taking cello lessons regularly benefit a great deal from having their own instrument. But before purchasing a cello, there are a number of things to be considered.

Cello size

When purchasing a cello, one of the most important things to consider is its size. The cello is available in many different sizes, suitable for different body builds. From a one tenth size cello for young children, there are different sizes until the full size, which is for adults. However, many adults also don’t feel comfortable with a full sized cello. For this reason alone, you need to try out your hand at different cellos of different sizes and see which one best fits your build. Buying the right size cello is very important because it ensures your comfort while playing the cello. If you are handling a cello larger than you are comfortable with, you will soon end up with aches and pains. You should be able to sit in a chair with your feet on the floor and still be able to reach the entire length of the fingerboard without over-exerting yourself.

Level of your learning

When purchasing a cello, you must always consider your playing level. This is not some magic formula but simple financial sense. When you buy a cello after starting your cello lessons, it is an investment you are making for your musical future. It is only by having your own instrument that you can ensure you are practicing enough. But buying a first cello is always tricky. You don’t want to spend too much in case you grow out of your passion, but you don’t want to buy an absolute dud either because that will provide absolutely no motivation to play. Opt for a beginner model that gives a decent sound. Once you have mastered the techniques and want to upgrade, there are always better choices.

Brand value

When you are investing in a musical instrument, it is bound to cost you a bit, even if it is just a beginner’s instrument. Considering this, most people want good value for their money. If you just want to pick an unbranded cello at a fraction of the price, go ahead. But be aware that most of these cellos will not come with the same kind of guarantees as the branded ones. The best way to gauge whether it is worth the money is to actually play it. If you plan to stick with tried and tested brands, then there are some good ones that you can check out. The top one currently in the market is Stentor. Other brands you could check out are Cecelio, Cremona, Knilling, Primavera, and Yamaha.

On how to go about purchasing a cello, please check out this article that gives you some tips on the subject: http://absolutelyintuned.com.sg/how-to-buy-a-cello/.

Caring for Your Cello – Maintenance

Caring for Your Cello – Maintenance

Keeping your cello in good shape will ensure that you get good service from your instrument for a great many years. With a bit of common sense, a little knowledge on maintaining your cello and some discipline, you will be able to regularly clean and maintain your cello so that it remains sparkling, clean and well-tuned, providing you with the pleasure of great music for a long time. For tips on how to clean the cello, you can check out the article: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/caring-cello-cleaning/.

In this article, we will discuss how to perform maintenance tasks on your cello on a regular basis.

Protect from humidity

The first rule to keeping your cello in good condition is to zealously protect it from humidity. The moisture from the air can harm your cello more than anything else you can think of. It can lead to the cello developing cracks or go out of tune. To prevent this, avoid playing your cello out in the open for long hours. Put your cello away every time you have done playing for the day because leaving it out in the open can expose it to moisture. If possible, make sure that you keep the cello in a room with level temperature and humidity. If this is not possible, pack it away in a padded case which will keep it safe from the elements.

Regular tuning

When you learn to play the cello, in order to play well, the cello needs to be tuned regularly so that it sounds good. Cello strings are wrapped around pegs attached to the body. By turning these pegs, the strings are tuned. A simple rule to remember is that tightening a string means raising the pitch and loosening it means lowering the pitch. Many cellos are also equipped with fine tuners on each string near the tailpiece. Doing this manually might take time and some level of expertise, so the best bet for beginners is to buy a digital tuner. The tuner indicates which direction to tune the string and provides the functions to do the tuning.

Handling the strings

There are four strings to every cello and they need to be re-stringed at one point or the other. The strings often break, and it should become second nature to you to be able to string them again properly. There is no need to change strings on a regular basis, though. Only do it when it appears as if they are about to break. Work on each string one at a time, and refrain from loosening the other strings while you are at it. Make sure that the strings are at the right height above the fingerboard. One thing to remember is to always keep extra strings with you in case one breaks during a performance. This is one skill that is taught in all beginner cello lessons.


If you plan to travel regularly with a cello case, buy a hard case for it. Though chances of scratches on the cello might be more in case of a hard case, it will nevertheless protect the cello from damage during transit. Make sure that the inner side is soft-padded. If required, also put in a humidifier to keep the temperature and moisture level at a desirable state.

For more information on the cello, you can check out the website: www.cellolessonssingapore.com.


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Caring for your Cello – Storage

Caring for your Cello – Storage


An instrument like the cello needs a lot of care and maintenance. This does not mean that the cello is hard to maintain or care for, but merely that you have to be careful how you use it, clean it or store it. A small carelessness in handling the cello can destroy it forever. However, if you follow a few simple rules on caring for your instrument, it will serve you faithfully for a long time. We have already seen when and how to clean the cello properly here: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/caring-cello-cleaning/. This article will focus more on how to store the cello the right way.

Storing the Cello

Hard and soft cases

Whether you have regular cello music lessons or not, you need to have a safe space for storing the instrument, when it is not in use. For storage, a hard case is optimal and will provide the kind of protection required for keeping the cello free from scratches. It also minimizes the impact of any accident. However, the cello is prone to being scratched if removed too many times from a hard case. This can be prevented by being careful when removing or depositing it in the hard case.

A hard case is the best option while traveling. Always keep the cello padded during travel so that it is protected from bangs and temperature and humidity changes.

Another option is storage in a soft case, which is easier on the finish. But be careful of the zipper. A soft case cannot protect the cello against major accidents, but it will provide adequate protection against dust and humidity, both enemies of the instrument.

Cello stands

If you are regularly using your instrument on a daily basis, it would be better to use a cello stand for storage. It is best to place it upright on the stand. The stand must be located next to a wall to minimize accidental contact. When the cello is on its stand, always push the endpin inside so that no one trips over it by mistake. It can damage the cello but people can also get hurt. If you have young children or pets, the cello stand is not a good option. In this case, always pack up the instrument into a case when you are not playing the cello.

Bow, bridge, endpin, and strings

The bow is the most likely part of the instrument to be damaged due to carelessness. Always store your bow immediately after playing in your case in the bow holding pocket. Never use your bow for any purpose other than playing music. It is a delicate device which can easily get damaged or cracked before you know it.

The bridge of the cello must be exactly perpendicular to the belly of the instrument. It is necessary to keep a strict eye out for any slants so that it can be immediately corrected. To adjust the bridge, loosen the strings of the cello a little and then slide the bridge to the right position.

The endpin, which supports the weight of the cello, and is located at the bottom of the instrument, must always be pushed inside in order to prevent accidents. Endpin holders are also available, which assist in ensuring that they are kept in place and don’t pose a hazard to anyone.

As for the strings, make sure that they are loosened when you plan to store the cello away for a long time. This will ensure that the strings don’t break or damage the bridges when the temperature changes.

For more information on cello care and cello lessons, refer to www.cellolessonssingapore.com.


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Caring for your Cello – Cleaning

Caring for your Cello – Cleaning


When you have an instrument as beautiful as the cello, you need to care for it faithfully. Cello care must be regular and consistent if you want to keep your instrument looking beautiful, clean and in great shape. Cellos that are maintained well give better and longer service and less trouble in the long run, thus saving you time and money on repairs. Once you have bought a cello (for information on this, refer to: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/how-to-buy-a-cello/), you need to keep it in good shape.

Using the Cello

The instrument must be used regularly or it will no longer function properly. Even if you are extremely busy, the art of cello playing requires that you practice regularly. This also keeps the instrument in working order and prevents it from developing tuning and other problems. If your cello has been lying around for years, it would be kinder to sell it or give it away to someone who would be playing it. Alternatively, you can encourage your partner, children or friends to play even if you no longer do so.

Cleaning the Cello

The body

The cello must be dusted before and after every time you take it out to play. If you don’t take it out on a regular basis, then dust it once a week. Regular cleaning of the instrument will prevent the rosin dust used for the bow from accumulating on the fingerboard and the strings. Use a soft wet cloth to wipe the dust and the oil off the cello and then use a soft dry cloth to wipe it fully dry. If you feel that the dirt hasn’t gone with this, use some cello polish and rub it into the wooden surfaces of the instrument.

The strings

Keeping the strings clean is important to keep its high quality of vibration and tone. It is sufficient to clean them once a month in order to keep them in good working condition. Put the cello in a standing position. Take a soft cloth and put a few drops of alcohol on it and then wipe the strings carefully. The alcohol will dissolve any accumulations of rosin or dust on the strings. You must be careful not to let the alcohol drip on the body of the cello as it can damage the varnish irreparably. Hence, you place the instrument in an upright position before cleaning.

The bow

The bow needs to be cleaned just like the rest of the instrument. When it comes to the bow, you have to treat it carefully as it is one of the most delicate parts of the instrument. One of the first things that your cello teacher will tell you is that the bow is where you apply rosin in order to make it sticky and get a grip on the strings in order to produce good sound. It is not a good idea to use too much rosin, though, as it can lead to too much stickiness. The problem here is that the sticky rosin can attract all kinds of dirt to accumulate on the bow. So it is a good idea to clean the bow after each session of playing. Use a soft cloth to wipe the rosin off the bow after every use. If necessary, you can first wipe with a soft damp cloth and then wipe it dry with a soft dry cloth.

For more information on the cello, you can check out the website: www.cellolessonssingapore.com.

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The Advantages of Teaching Cello Lessons to Adult Beginners

The Advantages of Teaching Cello Lessons to Adult Beginners


Nowadays, more and more adults are enlisting themselves in music classes. Not for mastery or for a refresher course. Most of them have zero knowledge when it comes to their preferred musical instrument. The demand for music teachers teaching cello lessons to adult beginners is now on the rise.


However, some music teachers are still quite hesitant to take on this challenge. Some may feel intimidated with their adult students who may be more mature in terms of age and experience. Some think that adult beginners may not take their cello lessons seriously. They may just brush it off as a mere hobby to pass the time. Other teachers think that adults may have the tendency to give up on a whim. Others may just be too busy to dedicate time and effort for practice, or even show up for lessons. These reasons are somewhat valid and possible. Yet if you think about it, all these could happen to younger students too, but on a different level or circumstance.


Still not convinced? Here are advantages that could win you over and give cello lessons to adult beginners a shot:


  1. The power to decide. Adult students enroll because they want to. They practice and perform not out of parental pressure, but out of passion to learn and play. Their efforts stem from personal choice which brings happiness and makes the learning process more enjoyable.


  1. The satisfaction of playing for fun. Why be so serious?   Adults are motivated to learn to play the cello because they know they’ll have a ball while they’re at it. As a teacher, integrating elements of fun is one of the more effective methods in teaching cello lessons. Singapore students are sometimes given a few minutes to engage in play and games prior to the lessons. If a student is having fun, you’ll be amazed at how he becomes more receptive and focused, and on how much of the lessons he has absorbed.


  1. The need for brain development. Brain development exercises should not stop in adulthood. In fact, it is a time when adults need it all the more. Taking cello classes could stimulate brain functions because motor, mental, and sensory functions all come into play. In addition, an adult’s stressful life makes one prone to encounter bouts of anxiety, insecurity, loneliness, and depression. Music could be their saving grace. As a teacher, you become instrumental in enhancing and maintaining an adult learner’s mental health and wellness.


  1. The ability of communication and self-awareness. Adults are more mature in verbalizing their thoughts and feelings. They willingly ask more questions and work around situations they have difficulty in. Adults are more aware when they’re making mistakes and are mature enough to adjust and handle criticism.

Learning is not bound by age. Hence, more adults are pursuing their passions and chasing their dreams. And yes, they are in pursuit of teachers of cello lessons. Let them find you.


Here are pointers on how you can promote your cello teaching services: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/how-to-effectively-promote-your-service-as-a-cello-lessons-teacher/


A reputable institution or music school like http://cellolessonssingapore.com/ is usually the first place where they’ll come looking. Offer your services so you could readily find a student or students who are compatible with your teaching style and personality.


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Questions To Ask Your Cello Teacher

When you enroll your child for Cello lessons, you would expect results. But there are many teachers who are satisfied with teaching your child a few basic notes and a song. You need to steer clear of these teachers or academies that do not support your child and encourage them to grow. If you do not think that your child is progressing, then you need to talk to the teacher and find a solution for this. If the teacher is not very helpful over this, then it is a clear indication that you need to change classes. Below are a few things you should ask a cello teacher before hiring them.

Professional experience

You will find many teachers who have impressive degrees but their skills are not quite up to the mark. So, more than degrees and educational qualifications, try to concentrate on their professional experience and see how they do. Try to figure out if they can bring out the hidden talent in your child. People who have professional experience would have made mistakes in their past while learning and they would stop their students from making the same mistakes. They also will have a lot of practical knowledge and be able to pass on non-musical values as well.

Teaching experience

Not all great cello players are great teachers. Teaching requires certain patience and the ability to bond with the student. Not everyone is able to achieve this. Those who do achieve this become really good teachers. So, asking about their teaching experience can reveal a lot for you. Also, ask if you can view a demo class or observe them during their teaching hours.

Style of teaching

This is something that you need to observe and learn first-hand rather than just asking about. Find out if he/she is fun-going, appreciates the hard work put in by the student, correct mistakes properly, etc. Students would be always more comfortable with a teacher who is fun and makes the cello lessons enjoyable. They would be able to communicate better, learn more and thus, progress faster.

Goals and plan structure

Have a proper pre-planned lesson structure which you can show the parents of children or the prospective students who visit you. This is one of the main questions you will be asked. So, it is always better that you are prepared, in which case you can answer with confidence which will also help in impressing the students and their parents. Along with the lesson plan structure, also create short and long term goals for your students. Keep in mind that beginners might need different goals and more advanced students will need to go by different goals. Remember that speed of progress differs from person to person so you need to give time for that as well.

Make sure you exude confidence and try to build a rapport with the student at their first meeting with you. This can stabilize the student-teacher relationship and help you both move forward smoothly.

Now that you know some of the main factors that you need to consider before hiring a cello teacher for your kid’s cello lessons, get started immediately. To know how to improve you cello skill, check out this link: http://cellolessonssingapore.com/how-to-improve-your-cello-skills/. For more on cello, you can refer to www.cellolessonssingapore.com/.

Teaching Cello Lessons: Setting Up Cello Classes

Teaching Cello Lessons: Setting Up Cello Classes

For a teacher, it is all important to be able to handle the students and to impart knowledge. Doing this successfully makes you a good teacher. However, there are different ways to teach the cello to an advanced student that is bound to be different from your techniques for a beginner student. But before you even set out to teach as a private cello teacher, you need to put some rules in place and make some preparations. For generic information on the cello, you can find great articles at http://cellolessonssingapore.com/.

Teaching space

You can find some students who will open their homes to you for teaching them. But in general, such students would expect you to give them solo lessons. They would pay for your time, but are you going to build a proper business this way? It really depends on you how many students you want to have at one time. If you want to teach more than one student at a time and give group lessons, you will have to make arrangements for a teaching space. This probably means your home. Make sure that your roommates or family members don’t disturb you during the duration of the lesson. If you have children, make arrangements for their care and don’t allow them to disturb your classes.

Fee structure

You will need to do some research on this subject. Ask around and find out exactly how much other teachers charge for cello lessons. At the same time, find out how experienced these teachers are so you can understand what the appropriate fees for your own lessons should be. Since you are just starting out as a beginner teacher, you can offer discount rates for a certain period of time. If you are travelling to your students’ homes, include the travelling expenses in your fee structure. Be aware that overpricing or underpricing your services might lead to disastrous results in the long run.

Lesson preparation

One important thing that anyone giving cello music lessons must keep in mind is that you need to stay far ahead of the students. This means putting in preparation for the next lessons well in advance if you want to have some sort of structure to your teaching. You could even prepare a quarterly lesson structure to follow, though you have to keep in mind that as far as the cello is concerned, some students will be quick to learn while others will take their time. Your lessons will have to make allowances for that.

Basic rules

Freelance teachers often face problems with their students because of a laissez-faire attitude. One problem a teacher often faces is being late for lessons or being absent from lessons on a regular basis without informing you in advance. Another major problem faced is that students might not pay on time, or miss payments altogether. Then there are those students who don’t practice and then the entire class lags behind to accommodate them. To avoid all these problems, hand out some basic rules to students when they join. Gently remind them if they mess up, but don’t allow them to break the rules. If they would not do it in their workplace or school, they shouldn’t do so with you either!

To know more about how to be a good teacher, please check out http://cellolessonssingapore.com/qualities-of-good-cello-teachers/.


Sending Kids for Cello Classes

Sending Kids for Cello Classes


Parents want that their children should excel in different things. They try to expose them to as many different hobbies as possible at a young age. When the parents themselves are interested in the cello, it is quite understandable that they would want their children to learn it as well. But sending children off to cello classes needs a three-way dedication for it to succeed – from the parents, the teacher, and the child themselves.

Age appropriate

When considering sending your child to learn the cello, make sure that he or she is old enough to take the strain of holding the instrument and the classes. Parents often get enthused and send really young children to learn music, sometimes even against their will, but this usually backfires on the parents. Expose your child slowly and gradually to music until they reach the point where they actually want to learn further. The minimum age for learning an instrument is six. Any earlier and it might actually be unhealthy for the child, especially when it comes to posture training. For the cello, the child must at least be eight years old, because of its size and weight.

Making it enjoyable

Children do not really care about what they are doing as long as they are enjoying it. If the teacher is able to make the learning fun for the child, they would absorb everything fast and maybe even develop a passion for the cello. Cello teachers need to use slightly different techniques to teach the instrument to children for this purpose. Rewarding often, encouraging practice, being kind and accessible are things that children quickly appreciate and respond to, so find a teacher who can relate to children.

Location is important    

It is essential that you consider the well-being of the child when arranging lessons for him or her. If your child is too timid and does not mingle easily, it is a better idea to find a teacher who would come to your home to teach. If your child enjoys meeting with other children in his classes, find a teacher who will fulfill this requirement. Involve your child in the decision making. Listen to their concerns and offer alternative suggestions. The goal should be to find a place conducive to learning for your child. Also remember that if your child has to carry their cello to the place of learning, they might quickly get tired of it.


If you are thinking of handing down your old instrument to your child for practice or buying an adult size second hand cello, forget it. If you want your child to learn this instrument, take him or her to a reputed music store and find out what size cello would be appropriate to their size and age. Cellos come in many different sizes, depending on the height, body length and age. Once you know the proper size cello to purchase or hire, go ahead with acquiring it. Never ever hand over a full size cello in the hands of a child as it can spoil their posture forever and might even hurt them if they have to handle excessive weight frequently.

It is a beautiful experience to see your child excel at the cello. It is one of the positive aspects of the culture in Singapore, cello tutorials can be found easily and parents tend to expose their children to music at a young age. With a bit of caution and care, your child can have a great cello experience.

How To Effectively Promote Your Service As A Cello Lessons Teacher

How To Effectively Promote Your Service As A Cello Lessons Teacher


Let’s face the fact that the cello is not as popular as the piano or guitar. Hence, there may be less music schools offering this program. You can take this as a great opportunity for a cello lessons teacher like you. There are parents and students who are on the lookout for cello teachers. You may think of them as only a handful, as compared to more ‘mainstream’ musical instruments. However, this niche market could easily get your hands full.

Make it easy for them to find you. Here are some effective advertising grounds to cover in promoting your skills and services as a cello teacher:


Internet Marketing: In this digital age, people want information at their fingertips. In all probability, Google would be the first go-to place for parents or students looking for individuals teaching cello lessons. Singapore teachers are using the power and reaping the benefits of the internet in creating a pool of cello students.


Here are online tools or platforms you could use:

  • Create your own website: If possible, get your own domain name.   Indicate your qualifications, experiences, description and explanation of your teaching methods. Upload photos and videos of your performances.


  • Social Media: Platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube are now popular podiums of communication and digital interaction. Your presence on these sites could give you ample exposure and ‘word-of-mouse’ to potential students.


  • Online Directories: Sign-up and and enlist your services in popular yet reputable online listings of music teachers in your locale.


Onground Marketing and Advertising: The so-called ‘old-school’ forms of advertising are still very much effective means to get the word out. When people are searching for something, where do they go? To whom do they talk to?

  • Schools: If you are a graduate or student or in anyway affiliated to a music school, college, or university, leave your contact details or use it as a reference point for inquiries. Parents or students may call up schools asking for references.


  • Print Advertising Collaterals: Invest in printing of your own business cards, posters, flyers, leaflets. Your friendly neighborhood music store may allow you to put up a poster on their window or distribute your business card to cello buyers. Campus bulletin boards are excellent sites where your flyer may be visible to students. Or your newspaper delivery boy would charge you a very minimal fee for inserting your leaflets in newspaper deliveries. The possibilities are endless…be creative!


  • Live Performances: Your captive audience. Your target market. Your prospective student. They all could be there right under your nose, watching your performance. Be visible and expose yourself to these activities that could serve as opportunities for you to reach potential students.


Which of these advertising methods do you think is most effective for you? One size may not fit all. Try and experiment which of these could give the best results. Or if you have the resources to engage in all of the above, then why not try it all? The bottom line is results. Both good news and bad news travel fast. Students and parents putting in a good word for you as a reliable and effective cello lessons teacher may still be the best and effective advertising tool for you.

Practice Habits After Your Cello Lessons

Practice Habits After Your Cello Lessons

The cello is considered the most versatile of the viola family: not too big like the double bass, and not too small like the violin, or even the viola. Its deep and rich sound, combined with its versatility and power, make it one of the most graceful and classy stringed instrument. No wonder cello lessons have become a very popular choice among budding musicians.

But once you start on the lessons, and after the course is finished, it is imperative that you continue to practice on your own, even without your teacher guiding you. Be more productive by following these simple suggestions:

Prepare before you practice
It is important that when you do your practice session, there are no distractions and the place has very minimal noise. If you do not intend to watch demo lessons, there should be no TV, Internet, or even radio or any music player within your space. Your phone should also be in silent mode, if not turned off altogether.

Take your restroom break before starting. Take a light snack before practice, and bring water with you in the room. Playing the cello, or any musical instrument for that matter, is a very physically challenging interest, you are going to need the energy.

Plan your time
Decide beforehand how long you are going in that room to practice, and that includes scheduling the time you will start and finish. If you have planned this, it is imperative you stick with the schedule. Quitting earlier short-changes your skills development, and extending beyond the time will just tire you and probably even slow you down.

Set your goals
Do not go into practice “blindly,” or just practice for the sake of practicing. There should be a reason, a purpose, a goal, for each session you do. Maybe you can analyze where your weaknesses are, areas where you need improvement or correction, and make those your goals for a particular session. Maybe you want to perfect a certain song and desire to achieve performance level. You may just want to perfect a certain playing skill. Whatever it is, focus on that goal in your cello lessons. Singapore cello teachers make it a point to set goals for their students during the first lesson.

Record the way you play
Sometimes the best way to spot your problem areas is to take a step back, and listen as an “outsider.” A good way to do this is to record your sessions and listen to them at another time. Listen and critique yourself, or better yet pretend that somebody else was playing and try to find holes in the performance. This will make you an objective listener and will allow you to spot the areas of improvement that you may have missed while you were playing.

Have fun
It can get physically draining sometimes, and one way for you to sustain your physical energy is to have fun while practicing. The feeling of accomplishment is much more satisfying when you continually to be in a good mood, despite setbacks that you may encounter.

Your cello lessons are just a start, and it will take a lot more effort on your part over time to get to the playing level you want. But with good and consistent practice, you will soon find the joy and fulfillment that will carry you through lots of years of cello playing!