Practice Tips to Enhance Your Ukulele Lessons (Part 2 of 2)
Many would agree that the ukulele looks like a fun and easy musical instrument. But learning to play the ukulele entails work and dedication. In spite of having that laid-back and carefree vibe, you need to reinforce your ukulele lessons with practice.
Ukulele classes are usually an hour long per session. But your lesson does not stop there. In fact, it has just begun. Your teacher is there to guide you through the learning process. The key to unlock mastery of the ukulele is through consistent and committed practice.
Make the most out of your practice sessions with these tips:
• Timing: Every song has a beat and rhythm that flows with specific time signature. Timing is the element that binds your chord positions and strumming patterns into a melodic and cohesive sound. Practice chord transitions and strumming patterns following the rhythm of the song. Start practicing slow and steady. Build-up your speed until you have worked your way to the proper pace of the song.
• One section at a time: Don’t attempt to attack the full song in one sitting. Start with the ‘easy’ parts. Or maybe you can master it one stanza at a time. Once you’ve got the hang of it, it would be easier to transition and focus on the tricky parts of the song.
• Daily: Practicing at least 20 to 30 minutes a day can work wonders on your progress on ukulele lessons. Diligence, perseverance, and regular practice could cause a great impact on your overall ability.
• But know when to stop: Torturing yourself will do you more harm than good. Yes, there will be pain that promises gain. However, know the limit of how much pain you could take as it might cause injury or permanent damage. Give your body the time to rest and heal so you’ll gain more strength to play. If pain is internal or persists, go see a doctor.
Record yourself and listen
It is difficult to play, listen to yourself, and analyse your performance all at the same time. Record yourself. Sit back and listen. In doing so, you can spot errors, weakness spots to improve on.
Play for and with others
Of course you want to impress people and make them feel good while you play, right? This would give you enough reason and pressure to persevere and up your game. Playing with others also give you accountability and focus to catch up and be in-synch with the other players.
Admire, watch, and learn from the masters
Let them be your inspiration and motivate you to be a better player. Emulate and imitate, yet develop your own style as well.
Bob Brozman, a ukulele virtuoso was quoted stating the fact that any language in the world say it as “play music”. There’s no such thing as “work music”. So, just enjoy and have fun with the ukulele.
Practice is an investment. The amount of time and effort you put into ukulele lessons and practice, would reflect on your progress. If you practice today, you reap the rewards of being a good ukulele player tomorrow. And who knows, you may even make a career out of it too.