
Benefits Of Vocal Training

There are many people in this world who think that they can sing very well. But only few among us know how to sing well. The reason behind his is that they are not being provided with any kind of vocal instruction or training that could improve their voice. Most of the people who do not know how to sing well but aspire to sing can undertake the vocal training program.

Generally we are unaware of the demands of the listener. First of all we must understand that what a listener expects to hear from a well-groomed singer. A listener wants to have a good tonal quality, Steady voice, and Good command over the sound, longer breathing, and Good range.

They want a voice that is more flexible and melodious and have a good depth. Besides this, they do not want a voice that is nasal and hoarse. They want the voice to have easy flow on the higher notes and expect the singer to have good tan in different speeds.

To attain these simple vocal qualities the singer must have control over the physiological functions of his Vocal system. This can be attained if he has the knowledge of vocal science.

The Vocal Science Training gives a singer the complete procedural knowledge so that he can have command over his vocal muscles for the effortless singing

       Vocal training is helpful for both the classical and non-classical vocalists in the same way. It improves the quality of the vocalist and also gives him the confidence to sing in different styles. Generally Singing is considered as a highly aerobic, but non-impact activity. 

If you perform vocalization exercise daily then this can increase your lung capacity, enabling it to deliver more oxygen to your other organs.  It has been seen that aerobic activity releases endorphins, and that is the reason why people feel happy after singing a bit. 

       While singing, your body becomes the instrument, and therefore everything you do has an effect on the way you sing.

Your eating and drinking habits, your sleeping schedule, amount of physical exercise you do and your environment all have some major effects on your singing and determines that whether you can sing really well or not on a regular basis.  If your livelihood depends solely on singing, then you must train rigorously to join the professional athletes, on a daily basis with a few hours’ work.

       Vocal training is a process that can develop you mentally, physically and emotionally as well. There are many benefits of undertaking a vocal training program.

This increases you inner energy, gives you stamina, makes you open hearted, you become more expressive, it improves your physical and emotional awareness, provides you with greater physical as well as vocal strength, provides you vocal confidence, increases your vocal range, gives you clearer articulation and a fully resonant sound and you develop knowledge and interest of music reading, musical styles, literature, and languages and at last provides you with the experience.

       A vocal training program through its lessons helps you to exercise your all the vocal cords. Besides this it also exercises your diaphragm and also your lungs that enable your voice to get into shape. It has been observed that a voice is based on the complete muscular system and therefore it needs to be exercised regularly so that it can become stronger.

A good vocal training program helps you to get in the practice that you need and provides you the exposure towards the helpful hints that an average singer is unaware of and doesn’t know how to utilize them. 

It teaches you all the aspects like posture, breathing and pronunciation that most of us don’t know and do not consider to be important. All these aspects are stressed well in a vocal training program. They also help you to learn how to sight-sing, that can be helpful to you if you want to become a professional singer.   

What Will You Learn During Professional Singing Lessons?

Professional singing lessons is an alternative for aspiring singers who would want to excel more in how they sing and how they would maximize the range of their voice.

Singing high note songs and other techniques are what is commonly learned in the professional singing lessons. Here are some spoilers on what would you expect in taking professional singing lessons:

1. Learning how to remove stress in your vocal tone.

The first lessons will be how to eliminate the stress in your body to reach maximum potentials of your voice. Proper breathing and the use of your diaphragm will be tackled in this lesson.

Repeated exercise involving your diaphragm and lung will be done. this lesson aims to strengthen your lungs and diaphragm to be able to take in more air while singing, and in result, will make you able to sing longer notes and higher notes which require more air.

2. Learning how to breath correctly while singing.

This lessons you will learn how to pause correctly and breath while you are singing. This may be the hardest part of the lessons because most singers create their own time to pause and breath while singing and some of them may have the timing wrong.

This lessons aims to correct the wrong habit of pausing to breath in which eliminates some important notes and rhythm while singing.

3. Learning how to overcome “vocal break” and how to manage “cracks.”

In this lesson you will learn to raise your voice range higher than before to be able to sing notes that you thought to be beyond your voice range. You will learn to overcome your voice breaks and how to avoid the cracks you unintentionally create while singing.

This is the most sensitive part of the lessons because it will be the turning point on how high or low your voice range will be. This lessons aims to improve the quality and range of your voice.

4. Learning how to create your own voice or vocal signature.

This lessons aims to give your voice its own life by having your own vocal signature. Most singers are remembered because of their own tune and how they sing a song.

Vocal signature is most likely the comfortable tune your voice can be. It is theoretically at the middle if you imagine a range. The tune will then be created once you find the suited spot for your voice.

5. Learning to specify your tone.

In this lesson, you will learn how to specifically begin a song with the suited tone. Blending you voice with the instruments used in the song is what is generally taught in this lesson.

You will be taught how to manage high songs that are out of your range, and fit it the vocal range that you have. This lesson aims to make you a versatile singer that can be able to sing songs that you think you cannot.

6. Improving your vocal stamina and dexterity.

This is the last lesson that you will learn, how to improve your voice stamina and dexterity. Singer often sing a lot of songs during concerts and that is what is the aim of this lesson, for your voice to be able to endure singing a lot of songs without stressing your voice.

Methods in the form of exercises will be taught to you for you to be able to strengthen you vocal capacity.

Top Vocal Singing Techniques To Improve Your Singing

Singers always use techniques in many different manners for them to be able to sing better and cleaner.

As a vocalist, you should also know the basic techniques that you use to be able to have a better singing career. You might not know these techniques, but believe it or not, while you sing you perform these techniques. Here are the top techniques that are used in singing:

  1. Correct Breathing.

This is the number one, and the most common techniques that are used in singing. Every people can sing, but not all people know how to breathe properly. This is the difference between people who can sing we’ll and people who sing awful. Breathing properly is essential to singers because this will be the strength of you voice or your vocal power.

When you sing, raise your chest and then take a deep breath. Make sure you don’t make any movement to your shoulders and your upper chest. When your diaphragm expands, this is the sign that you do proper breathing.

  1. Relax your body muscles.

This technique involves the removal of stress in our body even before you sing. Relaxing your jaws, facial muscles, and you neck will essentially give you the best output vocal tone that you have. This technique is done especially before long performances for you to have a great vocal output until the end of the performance.

Relaxing exercise is done to make your muscles that affect you voice box or most commonly known as “Adam’s apple”. You lung muscles are must be relaxed and at its top before you perform to avoid voice cracks due to lack of air supply.

  1. Voice Resonance.

This is a technique that is used by singers to maintain the vocal quality of your voice. While singing your voice vibrates because of the muscles, the cavity and the bones in such a way that the air you pump out of your lungs is rapidly blocked and opened by the muscles.

This is a good quality to singers because singers can maintain good quality of voice over a long period of singing.

  1. Voice Shifting or Registration.

This technique is done for you to be able to properly sing high pitch and low pitch songs or tones. Shifting of your voice occurs when your vocal chords readjust themselves in the low tone and high tones. When you sing high tones, your vocal chords go downward and when you sing it is lifted upwards. This allows you to maintain vocal quality.

  1. Correct Diction.

Singing song with correct diction gives justice and of course life to the song. While you song you have to sing it in an appealing, sensible and fully emotional way. Since there is only two types of letters, a consonant and a vowel, correct positioning of your tongue is necessary.

Knowing this, you will surely create and impose a good song performance to your audience and give life on how you sing a song. Diction dictates how well you have delivered the song. Even having proper tone, but incorrect diction, you will not be as appealing to the audience after.

By practicing the mentioned techniques you will surely be a good singer or vocalist. Just keep in mind that mistakes may come but always take constant practice and vocal exercises for you to be able to achieve the full potential on how you sing.

Singing Lessons Singapore Information

Have you thought of taking singing lessons? If you do, then you’ve come to the right place. There are a lot of things you will learn once you start your lessons.

There are lessons for beginners and for advanced singers. Taking singing lessons is a big step if you’re serious in becoming a better singer. At least now you know you’re on the right track.

For beginners, you will study the following aspects:

  • Introduction to the concept of producing sound

You have to know that your voice, just like any other musical instrument, creates sound through vibrations. The vibrations that you create are actually coming from your voice box, or the larynx

  • Understanding musical terms

When you’re learning to sing, you have to understand what the different terms in music means. Like, for example, you have to understand what pitch, tone, intensity, and frequency means.

  • Knowing your vocal range

This consists of identifying your vocal range classification. You can be a tenor or bass, for men, or a soprano or alto, for women. When you know your classification, you’ll have an idea on what range of notes you can sing.

  • Fully knowing your pitch

You must understand that there are two kinds of pitches – the high and low. The notes that you see in pieces show the actual pitch of the song. You should also know that the concept is the same when applied to an instrument.

  • Having proper vocal technique

Your singing voice should not be stressed upon when you sing. In other words, it should come out naturally and effortlessly. This means that your singing voice should sound closely with your speaking voice. This way, you will be able to sing more comfortably.

  • Perform correct breathing and posture

You should know that breathing while singing is different from your regular breathing while talking. When singing, you should know exactly how much air you need to take in, and how much to take out. It depends on the song you are singing. The posture also needs to be considered since it will dictate if air is flowing properly from the diaphragm through the larynx.

  • Having the right articulation

This is where the pronunciation of the words in the song comes into play. The rule here is that you should only move your jaw and lips when going for the consonants. For the vowels, you need to maintain the mouth shape.

For the advanced lessons, you’ll tackle the more complex topics:

  • What to do when learning a song

There are things that you must do in order to properly learn and master a song. This involves mastering the pitch of the song, knowing the song’s meaning, identifying the correct rhythm and tempo of the song, and reaching the high notes.

  • Techniques when singing on stage

When you’re on the stage with an audience, things are different. You’ll have to know the proper way to project your voice and make sure it is heard more than the instruments.

The audience can also be making sounds that you have to overcome as well. You’ll also have to know what not to do when you’re in a stage, considering your stage movements and microphone technique.

  • Techniques when singing for a band

There is a big difference when you sing alone and with a band. You have to make your vocals work with the instruments. Adjustments are needed. You’ll also have to know how to interact with the band members. Rehearsal is the key here.

So if you want to become a great singer, you’ll have to take these lessons. Once you complete this, you’ll be more confident and comfortable with your singing capability.

Simple Steps To Become A SuccessFul Singer

Being a singer entails hard work. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced singer, there should always be effort whenever you sing and practice.

But are you aware that you can significantly improve your singing by keeping in mind a few steps?  If you want to become a successful singer, you should always consider these three simple steps: Practice right, Take care of your voice, and Break the undesirable habits.

Practice Right

Practice is one of the most important aspects of your singing career. Through practice, you constantly thrive to be a better singer. But you have to keep in mind that improper practice won’t do you any good. You have to practice right.

The first thing you have to remember in practicing right is that you should always start your practice sessions with enough warm-up voice exercises. I’m not referring to physical exercise like stretching, but rather, you should warm-up your vocal muscles.

The best place to do these warm-ups are in the shower first thing in the morning, or at you’re car while heading to the place of practice. This way, you make sure your voice box is prepared for a good practice session.

During practice, you should remain focused on the singing exercise at hand. When you’re at practice, as much as possible, you should be concentrated doing the specific exercise. One way to do this is to clear your mind of other things. Think more about what you are trying to achieve for that specific session. Being focused in your practice session will surely produce better results.

Although being focused requires effort, you should also make sure that you don’t push yourself too hard. Yes, you have the passion and you want to be a better singer as soon as possible. But you have to know that pushing yourself to your limits will not help your singing career.

It will just strain your voice and will lead to inefficient practice sessions. After a session, check if your throat feels tired. If it is, chances are you’re doing too much. If there is discomfort, then there is a problem with your technique or you simply overdid it. Proper moderation is the key.

Lastly, you should know that short and regular practices are much better than longer but seldom ones. Short sessions will ensure that you only focus on improving an aspect of your voice. Longer sessions tend to stress out your throat and voice, which is not advisable.

Take Care of Your Voice

In order to make sure you take care of your voice, you should also take care of your body. To do this, you’ll have to be healthy by eating right, drinking lots of water, an having regular physical exercises. In line with this, you should avoid the things that can complicate your vocal cords like cigarettes and alcohol.

Eating right simply means having a great diet. But when you’re going to sing, you should avoid eating before you start. More specifically, you have to foods that are hard to digest. These foods can negatively affect your vocal cords, which in turn will significantly affect your performance.

The importance is drinking water regularly when you are a singer is next to none. We are talking about pure water here and not other drinks that are mixed with other stuff.

If you are constantly hydrated, the vocal cords will remain lubricated which will help them work properly. As much as possible, you should drink double the required amount of water for an average person. You are a singer and not just an average person.

There are other ways to make sure that your voice is at its optimal state. You can rest by a humidifier to ensure that your vocal cords will dry out. Also, if your throat is bothering you, you can try taking in throat lozenge or other medicines to soothe it. This way, you’ll feel better, and in turn, you can sing without worries.

Break the Habits

As singers, you have to admit that you may have bad habits that have a negative effect on your singing. Nobody’s perfect. But the important thing is, once you identify the bad habit, you should fix it immediately. Break the bad habit before it ruins your singing career.

As a beginner, you may seem to feel that singing loudly will produce better results. That is not entirely true. Singing out loud can be bad in two ways. First, the sound you will produce may be unpleasant to hear. Second, you will be putting too much strain on your voice. Either way, it’s bad. The best thing to do is that you should know how to properly sing with the right intensity and volume.

Your posture while singing is critical in producing a great voice. You should know that you can’t maximize your voice while sitting down. Standing up straight is the right posture. Be aware of your head and make sure you are looking straight. A head that is tilted low or high is not helping you. Slouching your back will also hinder you from producing a pleasant voice.

Singing the right tune of the song may be tricky, most especially with songs that require higher pitches. Being out of tune is quite normal at practice, but can be embarrassing at actual singing occasions. To make sure that you don’t make this mistake, you should master the song and sing it all over until you perfect the tune. Identify the parts of the song where you can have problems and work on it.

Being aware of these three steps will definitely help your singing career. Regardless if you’re a beginner or an advanced singer, these steps will make you a better singer.