Top Qualities Of Good Drummers You Can Develop From Drum Lessons (Part 2 of 2)

Drummers are like ship captains.  Drummers steer the helm of the song’s beat, rhythm, and time. The drummer ensures a smooth sailing ride along the ebbs and flows of a song.  Drum lessons offer more than just a skill set of drumming techniques.  Great drumming stems from developing the proper attitude and habits essential in leading the band.


Skills Are Best, But Attitude Counts

Any band or music group wants to have a superbly talented and skilled drummer. However, this does not guarantee longevity nor success.  Band members would rather have a fairly good drummer that can work well with the group, than a drummer with an overbearing ‘superstar’ attitude.  A musician’s mental, psychological, and emotional well-being and behavior are the building blocks that lay the foundation for teamwork.  Indeed, teamwork trumps individual talent.


Top Qualities of Highly Effective Drummers as Highly Effective Team Players:


  1. Mental Attributes
  1. Concentration:  A drummer should be alert and focused on steering the course of the beat and timing of the song or music. Getting off course will lead to disastrous results.
  2. Imagination:  A drummer is required to be precise, but it doesn’t mean that there would be no room for improvisation.  Imagination brings a new flavor and style that could make your band stand out.
  3. Creativity:  It is a  ‘jamming of the minds’.  It is assimilating various musical ideas and styles.  An effective drummer can execute and drive these creative outbursts into a cohesive beat and rhythm.
  4. Memory:  A band has a playlist of songs at a particular gig. A drummer has to commit to memory on how a song sounds and how it should be played based on how the band rehearsed it. Memory is a skill learned through constant practice and discipline.


  1. Motivation and Attitude
  1. Practice / Learning / Improving:  All these do not end with your drum lessons.  In fact, a professional musician spends most of his waking hours practicing.  Learning is an endless process.  A musician should not stagnate; your style should always be evolving.  As you sharpen the saw and evolve creatively, your playing skills will drastically improve.
  2. Preparedness:  School’s out, but everyone is still expected to do their homework.  As a drummer, you are expected to know the song/s and bring your skills to the fore.
  3. Quality of Life:  Are you generally healthy and fit to play drums? Drumming is a highly physical activity and demands mental faculties too.  Your overall state of well-being is crucial for this job.
  4. Punctuality:  A drummer does not only keep time, he is expected to show-up on time.  Tardiness puts a strain on the band’s team spirit.  Waiting time is often a waste of time.  It sucks the energy out of its members.


In drum lessons, you will include discipline and habits that could mold your attitude highly effective drummer. The drummer is the heart behind the beat.  Your band needs you to pump and drive the beat and let the lifeblood of music flow.