Beginner Drum Lessons for Children
Very often, we think of having our children learn something but don’t give enough thought to the preparations. This is also true of music, and any form of musical instrument, especially drums. If you seek to learn drums or want your child to learn drumming, then first help him or her get interested in the world of music and drums. Here are a few things you ought to do before your child starts formal drum lessons.
Introduce the child to music
If you want your child to get interested in drums, it is important that you actively introduce them to good music. Take your child to concerts and explain the various types of music to them. Play music CDs often at your home and make sure that your child is exposed to different classical and modern music from a young age. In short, let the child know that there is a world out there and they too can be part of it, if they desire so.
Buy them a drum set
It can drive parents wild when their children are presented with toys or instruments that make a lot of noise, but if you want your child to become a drummer at a future date, there is no help for it. You have to buy them a set of drums when they are very young so they get used to it. The earlier they start banging on drums, the sooner they will develop a style of their own. At first, it will only seem like noise, but gradually they will start to develop a rhythm before even beginning formal drum tutorials.
Let them interact with other children
You can find some informal and fun musical activities for children in your neighbourhood and let your child interact with other musically inclined children. It is very possible that this kind of interaction will help them form friendships and relationships that will help them sustain their interest once they are old enough for formal lessons. It is also an excellent way to help them have fun while learning.
Make it fun
To get children interested in anything, you must make it fun for them. Don’t push your child to practice every day or interrupt them at every point to teach them proper technique. Let the child have fun with his or her drums and show their creativity all by themselves. It is also not a good idea to start formal lessons too early. Most drum teachers claim that 8 – 10 years of age is the best for children to start. Even after your child starts classes, don’t push him too far or it might turn them off music completely.
Get out of the world of music
It is unhealthy to ruin a child’s childhood by pushing them to study too hard at a young age, when they should be having a variety of experiences. Similarly, you must not push your kid too hard to practice their music either. Give them some space to have other experiences once in a while, so that they can return to their drumming, refreshed and motivated.
In the end, it is your child’s motivation, interest, talent and capacity for learning that will make a drummer out of him or her. You can only teach and inspire, and to find good drum teachers for them. You should take that role seriously, without being too heavy-handed about it.