Starting Your Child On Singing Classes


A lot of people will tell you that the right age is around 5 or 6 years old, when your kids are already receptive to structured teaching, like singing classes. But some children, although ready for formal teaching, are still not physically ready for some demanding training sessions.


The decision then is really different for every child. As a parent, you will be the one to make that decision for your own child. Here are a few pointers to help you make the choice:


  • Emotional readiness

Singing classes are easy, for us adults. But for kids, this may be harder than their classroom tasks. More important than being physically capable, your child’s ability to face frustrations should be considered very well. Make sure your child is ready to take momentary defeats and difficulties, and be able to bounce back and try it all over again.


  • Physical readiness

For one, your child should be able to hold their breath when they need to, sometimes for more than a few seconds. They must be physical developed that they already have good lung power and control. Although it may seem like they have good lung power when you hear them scream, it is different when they are trying to use that for singing.


Singing demands a lot of energy on the part of the child. Sure, this can be developed over time, but this is usually the part where frustration starts, so it will be good that he has a head start on their strength.


  • Focus and interest

Do not force your child to take the lessons if he doesn’t want to. Even though it is eventually your decision, the child’s genuine interest in singing will make the entire course enjoyable and productive.


The child’s ability to focus on a single task for extended periods of time is also critical to the endeavor. This characteristic will be greatly tested during actual lessons, and when he practices at home. Ability to focus on a task lessens the chances of the child quitting on the lessons.


As a parent, you also have critical roles and duties with regards to your child’s singing. Do not let your child take the class, and then just sit back and simply watch. Your job does not end in bringing him to class and picking him up after.


  • Share their interest

It doesn’t matter if you have no musical skills of your own. What is more important is that your child sees that you genuinely are as excited as they are. Encourage them to sing in front of you what they learned that day, and sing along with them. This helps them along especially during difficult lessons.


  • Be their gentle critic

Observe and listen closely to how they are progressing, and point out where you think they can improve on. You may not be a professional musician, and you are not their instructor, but they look up to you, and you’ll be surprised that they will value and heed your advice.


Watching your child sing is a very rewarding experience. Make sure their learning experience does not end with their singing classes. Your involvement and participation in their learning is a lot more valuable than you think.