Why Hire A Saxophone Teacher In Singapore?
What’s the most important aspect to consider in finding the best saxophone teacher in Singapore that suits your learning needs? It’s finding the one who has love over music and can share that passion with you. Someone who knows the latest trend in saxophone industry and can teach you in an exciting and enjoyable manner.
Here are some reasons why you should hire a saxophone teacher in Singapore:
- Selecting a good quality instrument.
Many low quality instruments are being manufactured today. A student with an inferior quality saxophone is a disadvantage. Even it is not required for the student to have the best quality instrument as with the professional; still a student’s instrument must have a good intonation together with a well constructed and a good mechanically adjusted saxophone. Since only few amateurs are able to appraise an instrument, the teacher is highly recommended to do the selection of the saxophone to be used by the student.
- Selecting a good quality mouthpiece.
Selecting the proper mouthpiece to be used by the student is also important. Even the best quality saxophone will be difficult to play if combined with an ill-suited mouthpiece. A good saxophone teacher in Singapore should know how to properly select the best mouthpiece that suits the student’s saxophone.
- Learning of Saxophone Vibrato. Saxophone teachers can teach the students to become a sensitive musician. Sensitively in music means the ability to differentiate the quality of sound produced by the saxophone. One requirement of being a saxophonist is the knowledge about modulating vibrato. This vibrato greatly affects the pitch.
- The proper use of the tongue in playing the saxophone. There are several tonguing methods used in playing saxophone. Tonguing should be taught at earlier lessons in playing saxophone; however it should after having mastered the skills in embouchure and breathing habits. One of the tongues functions is to stop the reed’s vibration and not to block the air supply.
Meaning, as the tonguing is made by the student he must at the same time continually supply air through the saxophone. As the student learns, the more efficient tonguing methods he will discover.
Also, tonguing exercises done slowly is an effective way of learning how to coordinate the tongue with the fingers while playing the saxophone. This technique is especially effective to beginners who experience great challenge in doing so.
- Preparation and placement of the reed.
A reed when properly set, last as twice as long compared to a poorly designed set up. There are several ways of setting up the reed ranging from just using a piece of glass to a time consuming setup but more successful method of using a silicon carbide paper. And the good thing is, there’s always a teacher to guide the student expertly.
• Proper breathing.
Everything taught to the student regarding tone production is useless unless correct breathing is learned. To properly play the saxophone at its fullest, the student must be taught the technique on creating the largest possible air intake in which the lungs may expand.
- Fingering made easy.
The fingering of the saxophone is not that complex. Saxophone instructors in Singapore encouraged students to experiment and look for the best fingering technique that will suit to specific problems in timbre, dynamics or intonation.